Tips on How to maintain and clean Your Security Screens

14 December 2019
 Categories: , Blog

Your responsibility does not end after installing security doors and windows. Regular maintenance is required to keep the screens in good condition for a long time. Cleaning your screens might not be something you do on a regular basis. However, it should be done at least once a week if you want your security windows and doors to look great for years. Factors such as the size and material will determine how to clean your security screens safely. Read More 

Various Awning Fabric Options You Can Choose From

27 January 2019
 Categories: , Blog

Your house protects you, your family and the stuff kept inside from harsh weather elements such as rain and strong winds. But it also needs a little sheltering from certain weather elements that may wreak havoc in the interior living space. Sunlight, in particular, can enter the interiors of a house through open windows and doors, leading to excessive heat buildup and unwanted glare from the sun. Having some sort of sunlight control can go a long way in moderating indoor temperatures and ensuring optimal comfort. Read More